5 Qualities of High Performing Teams and How to Develop Them
Building a Remote Workforce

5 Qualities of High Performing Teams and How to Develop Them

by Crossover
5 Qualities of High Performing Teams and How to Develop Them
  • 1. Crystal-Clear Communication
  • 2. Trust and Reliability
  • 3. Aligning Toward Shared Goals
  • 4. Adapting with Change and Innovation
  • 5. Respecting Differences and Embracing Diversity

Want to cultivate the qualities of high performing teams in your remote crew? Taking a team from good to great requires a unique approach. A good team hits targets and communicates reasonably well, but a great one thrives on a foundation of trust, innovation, and a strong sense of community. Here's how to do the latter.

This article explores the five essential qualities of high-performing teams and provides practical strategies to cultivate them within your remote team.

1. Crystal-Clear Communication

What it is: Open, transparent, and efficient flow of information.

Why it matters: A staggering 86% of employees and executives cite ineffective communication and collaboration as leading causes of workplace failures. 

How to build it:

  • Schedule regular check-ins: Individual and team meetings to discuss progress, address concerns, and create a sense of connection.
  • Encourage open feedback sessions: Create dedicated channels and forums where team members can share feedback openly and constructively.
  • Embrace collaborative tools: Use platforms that facilitate seamless communication, file sharing, and real-time collaboration.

By prioritizing clear communication, you build a solid foundation of trust within your team. 

This transparency creates a sense of psychological safety, allowing team members to speak up, share ideas, and collaborate effectively.

2. Trust and Reliability

What it is: A culture where team members believe in each other and consistently deliver on their commitments.

Why it matters: High levels of trust lead to improved collaboration and increased risk-taking, both essential ingredients for innovation.

How to build it:

  • Create a supportive environment: Be approachable, celebrate individual and team achievements, and offer assistance when needed.
  • Celebrate small wins: Recognizing and acknowledging even incremental progress reinforces the value of individual contributions and motivates the team to move forward.
  • Encourage remote-friendly team-building activities: Use online platforms or virtual games to encourage connection, build rapport, and foster trust amongst team members.

By bolstering trust and reliability, you create a collaborative ecosystem where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, taking initiatives, and supporting each other in achieving shared goals.

3. Aligning Toward Shared Goals 

What it is: Everyone on the same page, working towards clearly defined and understood common objectives.

Why it matters: Teams with clear and aligned goals are more productive.

How to build it:

  • Clearly communicate team goals: Clearly articulate the team's objectives, ensuring everyone understands the "big picture" and their individual contributions. Centralized platforms help with this.
  • Ensure individual roles contribute to overall goals: Align each team member's responsibilities and tasks with the broader team objectives, creating a sense of purpose and ownership.
  • Review progress regularly: Hold regular check-ins to discuss progress, address challenges, and celebrate achievements, keeping everyone engaged and motivated.

By aligning with shared goals, you create a sense of direction and purpose within your team. 

This clarity encourages individual accountability and motivates them to work together towards a collective vision.

4. Adapting with Change and Innovation

What it is: The ability to adjust to changes and challenges quickly and efficiently.

Why it matters: Being adaptable is key to staying competitive and inspiring innovation.

How to build it:

  • Encourage a growth mindset: Create a culture that embraces learning, encourages experimentation, and celebrates the ability to learn from mistakes.
  • Provide resources for continuous learning: Offer access to online courses, workshops, or industry resources to help team members develop new skills and stay up-to-date with industry trends.
  • Celebrate adaptive behaviors: Recognize and acknowledge team members who embrace change, propose innovative solutions, and demonstrate a willingness to learn and adapt.

By prioritizing adaptability, you cultivate a team that is resilient in the face of change and constantly seeks opportunities for improvement

This creates a culture of innovation, allowing your team to stay ahead of the curve and thrive.

5. Respecting Differences and Embracing Diversity 

What it is: Valuing and leveraging the unique contributions and perspectives of every team member.

Why it matters: Diverse teams are demonstrably more creative and effective problem-solvers.

How to build it:

  • Promote inclusivity: Create a work environment where everyone feels welcome, respected, and valued for their unique contributions.
  • Offer diversity training: Provide resources and training opportunities to help team members understand and appreciate individual differences and unconscious biases.
  • Ensure every team member feels valued and heard: Encourage participation in discussions, actively listen to diverse perspectives, and acknowledge the value of each individual's contribution.

By embracing diversity, you unlock the symphony of strengths within your team. 

This boosts creativity, leads to more effective problem-solving, and allows your team to tap into a wider range of ideas and perspectives, ultimately driving success.

Building a high-performing team, especially in a remote setting, is not just about acquiring specific skills. 

It's about cultivating a foundation of clear communication, trust, shared goals, adaptability, and respect for diverse perspectives. 

By nurturing these qualities of high performing teams in your remote crew, you can create an environment where your team doesn't just function, it thrives.

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