Managers Hired on Crossover: Mentors Who Care About Your Success
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Managers Hired on Crossover: Mentors Who Care About Your Success

by Andrew Allen, VP of Content Marketing
Managers Hired on Crossover: Mentors Who Care About Your Success
  • What Was Your Manager Like After Being Hired on Crossover?
  • How Does Your Manager Support You?
  • What Do Tech Leaders Look for When Hiring on Crossover?
  • Ready to Unlock Your Inner Leader?

Are you missing the mentor that invests in your growth? On Crossover, managers hired on our platform are handpicked for their exceptional mentorship skills. They’re ready to offer you the strategic guidance you need to unlock your full potential and advance in your career.

I look back at what successful Crossover hires had to say about their mentor-managers over the years. 

Each person hired here on Crossover, was once searching for a manager who would help them fill in the gaps, gain confidence and transform them into leaders. 

As we always say: leaders make leaders.  

You’ll hear from:

What Was Your Manager Like After Being Hired on Crossover?

Remote worker Alaa from Egypt on Crossover.
  • Words our hires use to describe managers that they work with include ‘wonderful,’ ‘amazing,’ and ‘helpful.’
  • They’re active listeners, allow new hires to implement their ideas and make real contributions to how things work.
  • Many of our hires believe that having a helpful manager is key to personal growth. They’re hands-on without being micromanagers and find effective ways to help that make a difference. 

How Does Your Manager Support You?

Remote worker Ivina from Guatemala on Crossover.
  • It’s important for leaders to promote autonomy and responsibility. Managers hired on Crossover trust and empower workers to get the job done.
  • Managers offer positive feedback to give new leaders context on how they’re doing, and encourage them in the right directions.
  • For overachievers this means validation, acknowledgement and the opportunity to take on more complex, challenging work that inspires them.
  • Often when a remote worker is excelling, they will be contacted by their manager and told that it’s time for them to step into bigger shoes.
  • The key to constant career growth is honest, constructive feedback from a good mentor. It opens doors for bigger, better opportunities within the company.

What Do Tech Leaders Look for When Hiring on Crossover?

Remote leader Andrew from New Zealand, on Crossover.
  • Critical characteristics are often more important than hard skills. Generosity and kindness always beat years of experience.
  • What makes remote workers shine on Crossover is being tough, having grit, determination and being generous. Great teams are built that way.

Ready to Unlock Your Inner Leader?

At Crossover, we believe that TRUE leadership is about empowering others to lead.

Our client’s managers are mentors who invest in your success. They give you guidance, feedback and authentically support your career journey.

Sounds great – doesn’t it!

Remote worker Funmi from Nigeria on Crossover.

When you work alongside leaders who listen, who see your potential – even before you see it yourself – and who push you to be better, magic happens.

From Dubai to Costa Rica, Spain to South Africa – our hires thrive because they’re never lost, forgotten or without a strong support base.

If you’ve always wondered what your career would look like with the right guidance, this is your sign to apply. 

It’s your chance to find the mentor who will elevate your career, challenge your limits and unlock the leader in you.

It starts on Crossover.

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We hope these articles (and Andrew's tips and advice about his experiences with Crossover) have given you the confidence to take the leap and apply for your dream remote job. If we've helped, we'd love to know! Tweet us.


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