Why Do Recruiters Use Virtual Interviews? (+3 Top Tips)
Building a Remote Workforce

Why Do Recruiters Use Virtual Interviews? (+3 Top Tips)

by Murray Brennan Elphick, Writer
Why Do Recruiters Use Virtual Interviews? (+3 Top Tips)
  • What the Heck Are Virtual Interviews Anyway?
  • Why Virtual Interviews Are Worth Obsessing Over
  • 3 Top Tips for Crushing Your Virtual Interview
  • The Future is Virtual

Frustrated by the shift to virtual interviews? Surprise! Recruiters are using them to level the playing field for ALL candidates. It's time to embrace this great equalizer and compete on merit, not proximity.

Remember when landing a job meant putting on your best suit, battling an hour of traffic, and sweating through an in-person grilling? Well, we're finally kissing those days goodbye.

The future of work is globally remote, and recruitment teams have taken notice!

This push towards globally distributed remote teams represents a serious step forward. The result? A leveling of the playing field for talent worldwide.

But how can you find top talent without a face-to-face?

We're spilling the tea on why recruiters are going gaga for virtual interviews and sharing 3 top tips you need to know!

What the Heck Are Virtual Interviews Anyway?

No surprise here. Virtual interviews are exactly what they say on the box.

Job interviews conducted online.

But we're not talking about your run-of-the-mill video interviews here. The real innovation comes when you double down on true remote.

Enter asynchronous virtual interviews.

These bad boys are text-based, no real-time interaction required. Candidates find a time that suits them (goodbye schedule Tetris), receive their questions, and provide their answers.

Sounds simple. But new AI-powered interviewers have gotten a serious boost recently. Now we're looking at real-time, dynamic lines of domain (and candidate) specific questioning.

Take Crossover's AI-powered InterviewBot, for example. 

This digital mastermind conducts in-depth technical interviews, adjusting to candidate responses and probing deeper where necessary.

This is the future of hiring, and it's happening right NOW.

Why Virtual Interviews Are Worth Obsessing Over

1. They're The Key To Global Talent

Gone are the days when your dream job was limited by your zip code.

Virtual interviews are kicking down doors for candidates worldwide. 

No more time zone gymnastics or location-based discrimination. Whether you're coding in Croatia or designing in Abu Dhabi, you've got a shot at that sweet remote gig.

And we're not spreading hot air.

According to Remote's 2023 Workforce Report, 44% of companies reported growth in their full-time employees working abroad. That's right, nearly half of distributed teams are expanding their global reach.

Virtual interviews are the key.

2. They Drop The Unconscious Bias

Humans are biased. We can't help it, but we can address it.

Virtual interviews, especially asynchronous ones, focus on skills and past performance. Not whether the interviewer likes your charm or firm handshake.

It's a win for diversity and a win for authentically qualified candidates.

A recent research article published in The Journal of Climate Change and Health found that virtual interviews are forcing recruiters to ditch the "vibes check" and focus on what really matters. Your skills.

By cutting out the subjective cultural fit chit-chat, virtual interviews are making the selection process fairer for everyone.

3. They Crank Up Decision Quality

Asynchronous interviews give recruiters time to think about your answers. Shocking, right?

It also creates space for different team members in the hiring team to collaborate and share their piece. A second (or third) pair of eyes means you're evaluated more fairly than ever.

Time to do away with those stress induced mis-hires!

3 Top Tips for Crushing Your Virtual Interview

1. The 10 Minute Pre-Interview Tech Check

Nothing screams that you’re not ready for remote work quite like failing tech. Make sure everything's working ready BEFORE you start.

No battery? No internet connection? No interview.

It's that simple.

2. Nail Those Interview Questions for Remote Work

When you're gunning for remote jobs, you're bound to face some specific interview questions for remote work. And trust us, these won't be about your favorite Zoom background.

Hiring managers need to know you’re cut out for the task at hand.

So don't just wing it. Prep solid answers to common remote-specific questions. Craft them to show you've got what it takes to work from home.

Top Tip: Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses. It'll help you deliver focused, knockout answers that scream you’re  remote-ready!

3. Be Clear and Show Your Working

In asynchronous interviews, your written communication skills are front and center. Be clear, be concise, and for the love of all that is holy, proofread.

But don't just answer the questions. 

Show your work and explain your problem-solving. Again, sink below the surface and provide real-world examples that prove you know what you're talking about.

The Future is Virtual

Virtual interviews aren't just a post-COVID trend. They've proved they're a step forward and they're here to stay!

So the next time you're faced with an asynchronous virtual interview, don't panic. See it as an opportunity to showcase your true potential in a lower-pressure, more impartial environment.

Hello, remote advantage!

Ready to shine in your next asynchronous virtual interview? Sharpen your writing, prep your best examples, and show your AI-powered interviewer who's boss!

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