Has your compensation at Crossover impacted your lifestyle in any meaningful way?
Yes, of course! I had been living in Malaysia because it had been impossible to earn a high paying job in my own country, Indonesia. Crossover has allowed me to return home to Indonesia, earn a higher compensation (in USDs), and spend in IDR, which means my money is going significantly farther because the cost of living is lower in Indonesia.
This past year, my mom became quite sick and passed away. I’m really glad that my work at Crossover allowed me to take care of her in meaningful ways. The compensation allowed me to pay all of her hospital, medicine, and routine medical check-up fees, and settle debts she owed after her passing. The flexibility I have while working for Crossover allowed me to be with her 1 week before she passed away. I’m extremely grateful for the time we had together.

In what ways have you grown professionally during your time at Crossover?
At Crossover, I am able to work on various projects and industries concurrently, which was impossible in previous jobs. I’m working on Telco and Central products at the same time, and learning technical skills like API testing, batch jobs, UNIX commands, and SQL Queries. I have received training on many new skills, particularly for the telco projects, like reading logs using UNIX commands and creating Voice, SMS and Data usages using batch jobs.

Tell us about your team. How have your colleagues (teammates, managers, direct reports) helped you grow?
Crossover uses a valuable management platform called WorkSmart. One tool it provides is called “Rank and Review,” which allows me to compare my performance to those of my peers. I’m often one of the “biggest gainers” in my team, and my goal is to be in the “top performers.” Evaluating myself against other top professionals has allowed me to grow exponentially. My manager and teammates are incredibly helpful, and our developers are responsive. This creates a bold and supportive culture, which I appreciate. My teammates and I demo tasks to each other to help our team grow, and although we all have a lot of responsibilities, people are always willing to lend a hand to others.
My team of QA Testers is responsible for some challenging goals (like writing 400 test cases in a week). I like the fast pace, and it enables me to tackle more projects than I ever have in my career. I love taking on challenges, so Crossover has been a really motivating environment.