Has your compensation at Crossover impacted your lifestyle in any meaningful way?
Absolutely - I can call it “the year of changes.” I quit my last job after realizing it was no longer a good fit for me. I felt miserable and desperate, and started to search for the perfect just but was disappointed with each opportunity.
The next day after quitting my job, I rescued a dog from the streets and spent my summer taking care of him. I always wanted a dog, but I was terrified of the burden of taking care of one. When applying to Crossover, I realized what a great opportunity this is - I can spend time with my puppy, taking him for walks whenevers he needs, and just be there for him. And here I am!
But the story goes on - now I’m planning to leave my one-bedroom apartment and move to a nice house with a yard for the dog and rescue another dog. I just hope Plush (my cutie) won’t be jealous!

Please tell us about a time at Crossover when you successfully completed a seemingly impossible task.
Before having the first interview with Crossover, I was searching for the hiring manager online and the client company, but couldn’t find anything about ZephyrTel. It simply didn’t exist! My first challenge when joining the team was to make ZephyrTel alive, which was the hardest task considering there was nothing online about the company.
It may sound unbelievable to some, but in one month we’ve had our brand defined (with logo, colors, fonts, etc.), we’ve launched the website (zephyrtel.com) and our LinkedIn page, we’ve released news to the global press and created several customized templates and marketing collaterals. We do exist!