Has your compensation at Crossover impacted your lifestyle in any meaningful way?
Before joining Crossover, I was in an accident that left me with 2nd degree burns on the bottom of my feet and barely able to walk. Being badly injured, I was unable to drive much and could not handle the 1 hour (each way) commute to jobs near me, so I could not pay for therapy anymore. Then I found Crossover. I was moved by the passion and vision for the company and while it could address my immediate needs, I knew this was what I have been searching for my whole career.
Since joining Crossover, I feel like I am finally able to live again and not just live to survive. My role has helped keep me focused and challenged daily to apply my talents to a greater cause. The compensation and steady work has also been a miracle for me. I have been able to start the process of putting my family back together. I have been able afford the therapy I need to walk again, and I can now pass as normal in public most of the time. The best part is that I can proudly say who I work for and what I do, which has been life changing.
What were you looking for when you decided to join Crossover?
Spending many years as a self-employed independent contractor was fun, but not very rewarding in the day-to-day duties. Most of the work environments I have been in contact with were very stuck in their own silos and made me feel like I was the only optimist in the room. It was great being recognized as top talent, but difficult to work with others that were only there for their paycheck and did not care about their jobs. I prefer to be proactive, work at a fast pace, and put my heart into everything I do while helping others wherever I can.
What drew me to Crossover was the passion and vision from our leadership. I realized my work would contribute to helping others around the world, while providing the challenges that would help me become a better professional.
Please tell us about a time at Crossover when you successfully completed a seemingly impossible task.
A large aspect of marketing is SEO (search engine optimization), as marketing professionals would understand. The first acquisition Crossover’s client made while I was working here was facing some major SEO difficulties; they had disappeared from Google for their main search term, which was a highly competitive short-tail 3 word term. It was said that to rank again - let alone rank competitively - was an impossible task. I can proudly say that we are now ranked on the #1 page of Google for this term, along with hundreds of other terms.
Tell us about your team. How have your colleagues (teammates, managers, direct reports) helped you grow?
My manager is one of the best managers I have ever worked with. His people skills and experience in our industry has taught me a ton. My teammates are a joy to work with and we all work synergistically to get what we need done. Crossover's focus on hiring the top talent is evident in our day-to-day interactions, with the bonus of smiling faces in video meetings and the overall feeling that you are a part of an extended family.